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Contact/About Us

The VPR Office supports our campus investigators' translational research and commercialization efforts. Dr. Won Yong (Won Yong) Lee is SBIR/STTR Grant Development Associate at the OVPR. With his prior application/funding history and experiences serving as a reviewer for multiple study sections, Dr. Lee  will guide your journey towards the SBIR/STTR funding. We encourage you to contact him at any stage from conceptualization to late stage of application preparation. Dr. Lee also helps NSF I-Corps™ program that supports investigator groups' entrepreneurial experiences.   

Won Yong Lee, D.V.M., Ph.D.
Won Yong joined the VPR office to spearhead the campuswide SBIR/STTR and commercialization intended funding support. He has over 19 years of drug development experiences in pharmaceutical companies. Prior to join the OVPR, he was the Vice President of Research and led the multiple drug development programs at GlycoMira Therapeutics with funding supports from the NIH (SBIR Phase I, II and Commercialization Readiness Pilot Program). He has been serving as a reviewer for in NIH study panels (CDDT, Cancer Drug Development and Therapeutics; MSOS, Musculoskeletal, Orthopedic, Oral, Dermatology and Rheumatology). He holds 5 issued patents (multiple pending applications) and numerous high impact publications. Won Yong received his Ph.D. in Molecular Neuroscience from Mayo Clinic and M.S./D.V.M. from Konkuk University (Seoul, Korea). He is a technophile (likes to tinker with Arduino) and curious to learn about your innovative scientific discoveries and engineering developments.